One thing this last year has taught me is that progress doesn’t have to be pretty. All that matters is that you are doing a little bit better than you were yesterday. I used to put so much pressure on having it all together while trying to figure it all out which just lead to immediate overwhelm and a whole lot if inaction (if that’s even a word). Well, I’m not doing that in 2022!
You’re going to have a front row seat to me being messy in pursuit of movement. Do you know how many ideas I didn’t try or how many I started and didn’t finish? It’s crazy to think if I just stopped caring about what others thought of me, where I could be now. It has nothing to do with success or wealth by anyone else’s standards but the growth and confidence that comes when you follow through on your ideas. I got so focused on the outcome that I forgot about all that comes with the journey. I wouldn’t trade this past year for anything but I don’t need to go through it again to learn my lessons. Looking forward, I am committing to more action in spite of fear or doubt. Does that also mean more failure? Probably. But it’s better than not trying at all. The last thing I want to do is leave this earth with regret and a basket full of shoulda’s. I’m finally ready to leave my print on the world whatever that may be. I pray that my honest sharing of my ups, downs and laterals allow you to move too.
Because I want to set myself up for success, I am also writing as much down as possible. I actually want to write in some, form or fashion every single day. That includes journaling, goal planning and blogging. To that end, I have created two printables that are helping me plan my 2022 and as per usual, I thought it could be useful to you as well.
Vision Board Printable
For the person who likes to plan life goals or intentions by category, this vision board printable is for you. There’s also a section at the bottom for you to choose your word of the year. Print it out and keep it in a place that is visible to you everyday so you can make sure you’re staying focused on what truly matters all year long!
Monthly Goals Printable
Once you’ve gotten your high level goals for the year down on paper, this monthly goal printable will help you monitor your intentions on a monthly basis. Just highlight or circle the current month in the top right box and then fill out the boxes based on what you want to accomplish for the month. Easy peazy, lemon squeezy!
Like I mentioned at the start, we are striving for progress over perfection so they don’t have to be catchy or written in calligraphy. Just write what is in your head and on your heart. No one needs to see it but you. Take solace in knowing that by writing down your intentions and goals, you are actively working towards your purpose and what a powerful way to step into a new year.
Let’s continue to support and lift each other up as we move into 2022. I pray God’s richest blessings on your endeavors. Happy New Year!!!